
Public Library Quarterly

Choi, Y., & Hastings, E.B. (2022). Digital exhibits for justice: Analyzing public library digital exhibits with diversity and social justice themes. Public Library Quarterly. doi: 10.1080/01616846.2022.2153530

I co-wrote this journal article while working as a research assistant for Dr. Youngok Choi, the Chair of the Department of Library and Information Science at the Catholic University of America. I am particularly proud of the section exploring how the conceptions of diversity and social justice have shifted over time in the LIS discipline, which I researched and wrote.

Law Library of Congress Blog: In Custodia Legis

Hastings, E.B. (2022, October 26). The Senate comic book hearings of 1954. In Custodia Legis - Law Library of Congress Blog.

I researched and wrote this article about the Senate Comic Book Hearings of 1954 while interning for the Digital Resources Division of the Law Library of Congress. In telling this important and entertaining piece of US history, I almost exclusively used open access and Library of Congress sources to ensure all users had access to the full story.

Smithsonian Magazine

Hastings, E.B. (2017, September 19). Children used to learn about death and damnation with their ABCs. Smithsonian Magazine.

I researched and wrote this article about New England primers while interning at the National Museum of American History in college. Working with these 17th and 18th century texts was my first experience mining old books for lessons on history and humanity. Originally published on the NMAH blog, the article was so popular it was republished on the Smithsonian Magazine website.

National Museum of American History Blog

Hastings, E. (2017, August 21). "Xerxes the Great did die, and so must you and I": Learning about the alphabet and the inevitability of death in early Protestant America. O Say Can You See - National Museum of American History Blog.

My article on New England primers, researched and written while I was an intern at the National Museum of American History, was originally published on the NMAH blog. The article proved to be so popular that it was chosen for republication on the Smithsonian Magazine website.

Orion Magazine

Hastings, E.B. (2012, March 17). Place Where You Live: Vienna, Virginia. Orion Magazine.

My piece on my hometown of Vienna, Virginia, was accepted for publication as part of Orion Magazine’s long-running Place Where You Live series when I was fifteen. I was also one of the very first Place Where You Live authors to be featured on Public Radio International’s Living on Earth radio series, which you can listen to here.

Image credits (top to bottom): Rawpixel, CC0; Viola Canady, CC0.